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IDPA Match

We have IDPA matches on the 1st and 3rd Thursday every month.

Our IDPA club is for all levels of shooters. If its your first match no worries, we will walk you through and explain the rules of engagement. Come out and give it a try!

For Rules and IDPA Info Visit:

Cost: $25

Required Equipment:

IDPA: Strong side Outside or Inside the Waistband Holster 
At least 2 Magazines and Mag Carriers, 3 is Ideal 
100 rounds of ammo 
Concealment Garment

Check out Our Training Calendar to Pre-pay for a match

Further Registration is required to shoot the match! 
Visit the TN Action Pistol page at to get rostered for this match after you make payment.

Earlier Event: September 10
OUTLAW Shooting League
Later Event: September 18
Close Quarters Carbine