GUNSITE Close Quarters Pistol 2
Close Quarters 2 covers fighting in close engagement distances with handguns, personal weapons (i.e. hands, elbows, etc.), edged weapons, and blunt objects (sticks, canes, etc.).
Students will start off will utilizing the basic fighting platform and manipulating the weaknesses of the aggressor’s platform. The class will progress into close in engagements utilizing the pistol in personal and family defense both in the home and in public environments. Students with be taught how to use and defend against the use of edge weapons and blunt objects. Students will also be given advise and pro’s and cons on all the tools and equipment used in this course and proper selection for the environment they may operate in.
The physical activity for this class is moderate. Students will be required to strike pads and move and repeat these movements multiple times.
Duration: 3 days
Prerequisite: CQP1
Cost: $1,195.00
Ammunition: 600 rounds of ball
General Requirements:
Class Requirements
What to Bring to Gunsite Academy:
What to bring videos